Digital HX711 Weight Pressure Sensor Module Dual-channel 24-bit A/D Arduino
Soil Moisture Sensor Arduino Soil Hygrometer Detection Module
Analog Water Liquid Level Sensor ArduinoRaspberry Pi
HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Range Sensor Module Arduino MCUs
DHT11 Digital Temperature Humidity Sensor Module Raspberry Pi & Arduino
MQ Gas Sensor Detector Solderless PCB Adapter Arduino Raspberry Pi
Ultrasonic Distance Sensor Holder Mount Bracket HC-SR04 HC-SR05 HY-SRF05 US-015
Sharp GP2Y0A02YK0F Infrared IR Range Sensor (20-150cm)
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30 A current sensor ammeter ACS712 30A break out arduino 30 amp AC DC module
MQ-3 Alcohol Ethanol Sensor Gas Detector Breathalyzer Brewing Arduino Ras Pi
SHARP GP2Y0A710K0F 100-550 cm Infrared Distance IR Long Range Sensor - 5.5 meter
MQ-4 MQ4 Methane Natural Gas Sensor Detector 5V Arduino 300 to 10000 PPM
4 Channel 16 Bit I2C ADC ADS1115 Voltage Sensor Single End Differential 2.0-5.5V
Adjustable IR Infrared Obstacle Avoidance Sensor Module Arduino Robot
MC-38 Wired Door Window Sensor Magnetic Switch Home Alarm System Detector
Digital Serial RS-232 DYP-ME007TX Ultrasonic Range Sensor Module Arduino
TTP229 16 Channel Digital Capacitive Switch Touch Sensor Module Arduino 4x4
5 A current sensor ACS712 break out - 5 amp ACDC
DHT22/AM2302 Digital Temperature Humidity Sensor Board Raspberry Pi Arduino
AM2302 DHT22 Temperature Humidity Sensor IoT Wireless D1 Mini ESP8266 WiFi WeMos
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